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Metropolitan Arts Institute Informational Video
Added May 24, 2018
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I've never been anywhere like Metro it's this strange idyllic almost Utopia of a school the kids really come alive and they are willing and able to explore themselves and put themselves out there without fear of Retribution or fear of judgement is the most open environment that I've ever been is a very inclusive of students are accepted here Carlos of their beliefs their points of views their backgrounds who really do focus on the community that we have making a strong as we can have it and that that shows itself in the quality of the Arts the students bank accepted and for being artist for being cray and they're brought in and nurtured and allowed to express themselves and discover both their talents and also the things that are difficult for them stuffed in love each other no matter what and that what really makes this for school I can express myself no matter how I am or how I'm feeling I always feel safe going to Metro and things where I am it makes you feel like you place to belong to and you're not out of place you're always included and you never feel judged I've never seen anyone not fit in at Metro we really do attract unique people who want to make strong bonds and relationships and also for the education and enjoy art we have a lot of opportunities at Metro for students to pursue the thing that they love and self-determine in many cases are education so there's a lot of room students to develop who they are what they love what they are most interested and passionate about I love to be able to take many different classes exploring different artworks I wouldn't ever be able to take in a public school experiment with a photography they can do fine art they can do printmaking they can do film thickety theater dance music was a wide range all the while still taking a strong academic classes I first started here I wasn't who I am right now and then I'm out the middle of last year I really opened up and I became who I wanted to be and my confidence grew and I started to open up my mind and see things differently Metro has been at home for me that I can always come to teacher if I have any problems and I can share whatever I need and they're there to help this was like my second home during the two years that I want to hear and I've never felt safer I totally recommend coming and trying to take out cuz it's beautiful and it's made me a better person and I don't know what I would be without it
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A quick 30 second tour of Metro Arts
Uploaded May 24, 2018
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