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Other Ways to Give

Giving opportunities

 Donate through Paypal by clicking HERE


1. Click the "Wish List" on the right to see the various departmental wish lists. 


2.  Sign up for AmazonSmile!

Go to and select Metropolitan Arts Institute as your charitable organization to support. They will automatically send us .5% of the price of every eligible purchase.


3. Purchase needed supplies at through

You can purchase any of the books or items on our Amazon wish lists and have them sent directly to the school.


Click the link and view either of our lists. We currently have two wish lists “Metro Arts Book Wish List” and "Metro Arts Wish List-Art Supplies”


4. Target

Link your Target REDcard to Metro Arts through Target’s “Take Charge of Education Program”.  You can either call 1-800-316-6142, sign up online at  (Link)



5. Special Events

Throughout the year we have various events with local merchants who donate to Metro a percent of their sales on a specific date.  Various merchants who have supported Metro include Hogbelly Sandwich Shop, Zoyo Frozen Yogurt, Starbucks and Fresh & Easy.

teacher salaries
ASBCS Performance Dashboard
Arizona Parental Rights Handbook