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Quarter 2 Update from Metro Arts

Subject: Quarter 2 Update from Metro Arts

Dear Metro Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Metro Arts continues to be committed to the health and safety of all students and staff. Therefore, our Governing Board has decided to stay online with virtual learning for the Second Quarter. Our decision was determined by the guidance provided by the CDC and the Governor's office.

Metro recently began offering new student social opportunities on Zoom during lunch and after school. In addition, we started a bi-monthly student mentoring program called Metro-Connect, for 9th-grade students, led by our Head of School and Director of Student Life. We are also supporting students with college and career counseling services through the use of our Naviance Program (link for student login: 

Metro Arts will continue to be open Monday-Friday for any students that need a safe space to complete virtual learning. If your student needs access to campus during virtual learning, please contact the Director of Operations Lisa Starry at [email protected]

We look forward to being able to return to in-person learning as soon as possible. We will return when it is safe to do so. In the meantime please enjoy today’s Peace Day Coffee House at the following link: This video is private (unlisted) and can be viewed and shared with others until Monday, September 28, 2020.
Matt Baker
Head of School 

Jenny Quinn
Director of Student Services and Academics
John Perovich
Director of Admissions and Student Life
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